Past Events
Texas Economic Forum
- with Gary Leff (View from the Wing blogger) and Scott McCartney (former Wall Street Journal "Middle Seat" columnist)
- with W. Michael Cox (缅北禁地), Jesus Canas (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), and Mark Curriden (founder of The Texas Lawbook)
- with Justin Callais (University of Louisiana-Lafayette), Adam Hoffer (Concordia University), Danielle Zanzalari (Seton Hall University), Dean Stansel (SMU)
- Can the Texas Model Survive? with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Cullum Clark (Bush Institute), Vance Ginn (President, Ginn Economic Consulting)
- with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Peter Lewin (UTD), Frank Martin (Retired Professor)
- with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Vance Ginn (Texas Public Policy Foundation), Pia Orrenius (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
- with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Richard Alm (SMU), Susan Arledge (ESRP Realty Advisors), Susan Gwin Burks (Avison Young), Cullum Clark (SMU Bush Institute), Joe May (Dallas College)
- with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Dean Stansel (SMU), and Richard Alm (SMU)
- with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Bruce Bullock (Maguire Energy Institute), and Bernard Weinstein (Maguire Energy Institute)
- with Alberto De La Pena (Haynes and Boone), Tim Leahy (AT&T Latin America), and Andres Alvarez (Foley Gardere)
- with W. Michael Cox (SMU) and Tiffany Melvin (NASCO)
- with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Vance Ginn (Texas Public Policy Foundation), Merrill Matthews (Institute for Policy Foundation), and Doug McCullough (Lone Star Policy Institute)
- The Innovation Economy with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Ryan Dalton (Parsley Energy), Nick Clark (Common Desk), and Randy DeWitt (Front Burner Restaurants)
- The Entrepreneurial Edge with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Jerry White (Caruth Institute), and Hubert Zajicek (Health Wildcatters).
- Texas Economic Forum with W. Michael Cox (SMU), Bruce Bullock (Maguire Energy Institute), and Robert Kramp (CBRE Group).
Flourishing and a Free Society Forum (and other public events)
- with Terry and Matt Kibbe (Free the People)
- with James Pethokoukis (American Enterprise Institute)
- with Rosemarie Fike (Texas Christian University), Anne Rathbone Bradley (The Fund for American Studies), and Meg Tuszunski (缅北禁地)
- Featuring:Jason Brennan (Robert J. and Elizabeth Flanagan Family Term Professor of Strategy, Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy & Director, Institute for the Study of Markets and Ethics, Georgetown University)
- A Conversation with Ed Glaeser on the Future of Cities (Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics and the Chairman of the Department of Economics, Harvard University), co-sponsored with The Bush Institute and SMU Department of Economics
- U.S. Pandemic Policy: Failures, Successes, and Lessons Featuring: Alex Tabarrok (Director, Center for Study of Public Choice, George Mason University and Bartley J. Madden Chair in Economics at the Mercatus Center)
- Featuring: Steven E. Landsburg (Professor of economics at the University of Rochester)
- Featuring: Yeonmi Park (Human-Rights Activist and North Korean Refugee and Defector)
- Featuring: Matt Ridley (Columnist for The Telegraph and The Times, Member of the Science and Technology Select Committee for the House of Lords, Great Britain)
- Featuring: Ben Powell (Texas Tech University)
- Featuring: Tyler Cowen (George Mason University), Siri Terjesen (Florida Atlantic University), Jason Brennan (Georgetown University)
- Socialism Sucks Featuring: Robert Lawson (SMU) and Benjamin Powell (Texas Tech University)
- Featuring: Thomas Hogan (Rice University) and Harvey Rosenblum (SMU)
- Viewing of Short Film Tank Man with Panel Discussion Featuring: Robert Anthony Peters (Writer and Director), Dallas Sonnier (CEO of CINESTATE & FANGORIA), and Perth Tolle (Founder, Life & Liberty Indexes)
- Featuring: Steve Long (Carey M. Maguire University Professor of Ethics, SMU), Michael Davis, (SMU), Abby McCloskey (McCloskey Policy LLC & American Enterprise Institute), and Christine Emba (The Washington Post)
- Featuring: Rev. Robert Sirico (The Acton Institute), Art Carden (Samford University), Russ Roberts (Hoover Institution), and Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad (Minaret of Freedom Institute)
- (George Mason University) on "The Role of Government in a Free Society"
- Deirdre McCloskey (University of Illinois, Chicago) on "How Ideas, Not Capital or Institutions, Enriched the World"
- William J. Luther (Kenyon College) on "Is Bitcoin a Bubble?"
- David Henderson (Hoover Institution) on "How Economists Helped End the Draft"
Scott Sumner (George Mason University) on "The Real Problem Was Nominal: Market Monetarism and the Great Recession"
- (Chapman University) on "Your Next Government? From Nation State to Stateless Nations"
- (Harvard) on "Cities and Economic Growth"
- (Forbes) on "Who Needs the Fed?"
- Garett Jones (George Mason University)
- Adam Martin (Texas Tech University)
- Lars Christensen (Markets and Money Advisory)
- Ben Powell (Texas Tech University)
- Peter Leeson (George Mason University)
- Michael Munger (Duke University)
- Arthur Brooks (American Enterprise Institute)
- Steve Forbes (Forbes)
- Jeffrey Tucker ( and Foundation for Economic Education)
- David Boaz (Cato Institute)
- Roberto Salinas-Leon (TV Azteca, Mexico)
- (Hoover Institution) on "The Search for the Weaver of Dreams"
- Ladar Levison (Lavabit)
- Arthur Brooks (American Enterprise Institute)
- Art Laffer (Laffer Associates)
- (George Mason University)