Economic Education
In addition to the classroom teaching of our faculty, the Bridwell Institute is directly involved in several economic education efforts through our undergraduate student reading groups, our Teaching Free Enterprise program for Texas school teachers, and our Graduate Economic Freedom Research Colloquium.
Student Reading Groups
Spring 2025
The Bridwell Institute for Economic Freedom invites applications from undergraduate SMU students of any major for its two Spring 2025 reading group programs. The Armentrout Scholars Reading Group Program will have four groups: Mondays and Tuesdays at 6:15-8:00pm, led by Dr. Dean Stansel, Wednesdays at 6:15-8:00pm, led by Richard Alm, and Fridays at 11:15am-12:45pm, led by Dr. Meg Tuszynski. All four groups will have the same reading list. The Bridwell Scholars Advanced Reading Group, which will have a different reading list, will meet on Thursdays at 6:15-8:00pm, led by Dr. Ryan Murphy. Dinner (lunch on Fridays) will be provided. Our reading groups are one semester, non-credit programs where participants will read and discuss selections from classic and contemporary works in political economy that address the relationships between and among entrepreneurship, economic freedom, and social progress. The theme for the Armentrout Scholars Reading Groups will be “Conscious Capitalism.” Participants will read and discuss classic and contemporary works by a variety of authors including John Mackey (the co-creator of “conscious capitalism” and former CEO of Whole Foods), Bernie Sanders, Milton Friedman, Luigi Zingales, and other economists, philosophers, and social scientists. Key questions to be addressed include: Should businesses be morally responsible for social issues or only for providing goods and services and maximizing profit? Does capitalism effectively address environmental sustainability, or are its measures insufficient to meet global challenges like climate change? How does consumer behavior influence a company’s ability to maximize profits? Is capitalism good for the poor? What is the core philosophy of “conscious capitalism,” and how does it differ from traditional capitalism? The title for the Bridwell Scholars Advanced Reading Group will be “Institutions and Development.” Preference will be given to students who have previously participated in a Bridwell Institute/O’Neil Center reading group, but applications are open to all undergraduates. The readings for the semester will describe institutions of the world like capitalism, democracy, and the state, their causes and consequences, and the future of global economic development. The two primary readings for the semester will be How the World Became Rich by Mark Koyama and Jared Rubin and The Journey of Humanity by Oded Galor. Readings will primarily pertain to the topic as understood in contemporary social science, including discussion of methods in measuring something as amorphous as “freedom” across countries and across time. As much as possible, students will be expected to attend Bridwell Institute events throughout the semester. They will receive a $1,000 stipend upon successful completion of the program.* There are many more applicants than available spots, so the application process is very competitive. Previous students are allowed to reapply but are not guaranteed acceptance. The online application will require you to upload an unofficial SMU transcript showing your cumulative GPA and to provide the following information: what year of school you’ll be in, your major and minor, your hometown, whether you have participated in a previous Bridwell Institute reading group (if so, which one), and which days you are available to attend. It will also require you to provide short answers to the following questions: 1) What unique insights do your major and minor (or any other aspects of your personal experience) provide on the topic? 2) What are the three most influential works you have read? 3) What do you hope to get out of participating in this program? The deadline for submission of applications is Monday December 9, 2024. If you have questions, contact Prof. Dean Stansel at *For international students, there will very likely be foreign national withholding taken out of that payment before you get it. You may be able to get that withholding rebated if you file an income tax return in your home country. We have no control over that process.
Teaching Free Enterprise
The Bridwell Institute developed the Teaching Free Enterprise program to help Texas school teachers develop the knowledge and expertise they need to meet the Texas Economics TEKS regarding Free Enterprise in classroom instruction. Top professors and researchers from 缅北禁地, TexasTech and the UT System, are providing lessons, activities and exercises that can be readily implemented in the classroom.
This program presents modules that address some of the most important yet often misunderstood aspects of free-enterprise economies:
- The connection between progress and the demise of jobs, companies and industries.
- The institutional setup that creates conditions for success in free enterprise economies.
- How free enterprise raises living standards over time.
- How voluntary exchange adds to value by making both buyers and sellers better off.
Teaching Free Enterprise in Texas offers educators:
- A fast-paced, informative program that earns CPE hours for educators. (Approved TEA Center)
- Classroom-ready instruction by leading professors from Texan Universities, with a focus on real-world issues.
- Lesson plans that fulfill the state’s standards (TEKS) to teach free enterprise and its benefits.
- On-line access to instructional materials you can use to deliver the lessons to students.
- Comfortable, modern venues, breakfast and lunch included.
- At no cost to teachers, school districts or ESCs.
Graduate Economic Freedom Research Colloquium
The annual colloquium introduces a small group of invited graduate students to the Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) index, the Economic Freedom of North America (EFNA) index, and the Metropolitan-Area Economic Freedom Index (MEFI), which are all authored or co-authored by Bridwell Institute faculty. Over the course of 3 days, the students see presentations about how these indexes have been used in published academic research, and the ultimate goal is to encourage attendees to use one or more of the indexes in their own work. Colloquium faculty have included Robert Lawson, Dean Stansel, Ryan Murphy, and Meg Tuszynski from the Bridwell Institute, as well as Joshua Hall (West Virginia University), Claudia Williamson (University of Tennessee Chattanooga), Kevin Grier (Texas Tech), and Russell Sobel (Citadel).
Other Opportunities
Other Opportunities for SMU Undergraduate Students
Bridwell Institute for Economic Freedom Colloquia: The Bridwell Institute offers periodic one-day intensive reading/discussion colloquia for undergraduate students. Contact for more information.
American Enterprise Institute Summer Honors Program: The AEI Summer Honors Program is an intensive, fully-funded one-week educational and professional development opportunity in Washington, DC, for top undergraduate students.
Koch Internship Program: The Koch Internship Program (KIP) combines an educational approach that puts the student in the driver’s seat with hands-on work experience for future leaders interested in making a difference in the world.
Koch Associate Program: The Koch Associate Program (KAP) is a year-long opportunity that blends professional development with real work experience. It is designed for early and mid-career professionals seeking to accelerate their growth as leaders while addressing the biggest problems in society.
Mercatus Institute Don Lavoie Fellowship: TheDon Lavoie Fellowship is a competitive, renewable, and online fellowship program for advanced undergraduates, recent graduates considering graduate school, and early-stage graduate students.
Other Opportunities for SMU Graduate Students
Adam Smith Society (SMU Cox Chapter): The Adam Smith Society is an expansive, chapter-based network of MBA students, professionals, and business leaders who work to promote debate and discussion about the moral, social, and economic benefits of capitalism.
Institute for Humane Studies: The Institute for Humane studies offers several types of support for graduate students aspiring to become faculty members.
Mercatus Center: The Mercatus Center offers numerous fellowship programs for graduate students.
Other Opportunities for the DFW Community
Adam Smith Society (Dallas Chapter): The Adam Smith Society is an expansive, chapter-based network of MBA students, professionals, and business leaders who work to promote debate and discussion about the moral, social, and economic benefits of capitalism.
America's Future Foundation (Dallas Chapter): AFF-Dallas is a professional development network for individuals who believe in the power of personal liberty, entrepreneurship, and innovation–channeled through free markets–to promote positive social change.
Bastiat Society (Dallas Chapter): AIER’s Bastiat Society program provides a platform for scholars and policy experts to share their insights and experiences with the general business community.