Dr. Jim Caswell Leadership Development and Training Programs

Dr. James E. Caswell

James E. Caswell spent nearly five decades at SMU as an administrator, teacher, and student. He inspired generations of students and colleagues with his charisma and mentoring leadership.

Dr. James E. Caswell

Serving as both an educator and an ordained Methodist minister, Caswell demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Methodist educational ideals of "preparing men and women to be humane persons, good citizens, and productive members of their professions and of society." In 2007, SMU established an endowment for student leadership development in special recognition of Dr. James E. Caswell, a beloved SMU administrator and educator.



Caswell believed in developing leaders who were reflective, authentic and dedicated to improving their local communities. Above all else, he believed in the principle leadership in service to others.

two SMU students painting pumpkin with a child

Caswell Leadership Fellows

In this year-long academic program, you will refine your leadership skills while planning and implementing an impact project. An impact project is something you are passionate about within the campus or Dallas community that you need seed funding to get started. As a Caswell Fellow, you will receive project funding up to $2,500, as well as complete paid weekly office hours, get mentored and assigned an advisor, and participate in leadership development workshops. View examples of fellows past projects.

Current Caswell Leadership Fellows Past Caswell Leadership Fellows

Application Timeline

  • Application opens on SMU360: Monday, March 10
  • Application closes on SMU360: Sunday, March 30
  • In-person interviews will be held Tuesday, April 1 – Friday, April 4
  • Applicants will be notified Monday, April 7 

If you have ideas or questions about the program, please feel free to stop by Hughes-Trigg Student Center Suite 201 or email leadership@smu.edu.


four students with blow up Peruna mascot

Caswell Leadership Coaches

In the Caswell Leadership Coach Program, experienced student leaders engage in peer-to-peer leadership development to help all students become more effective within their SMU organizations. Coaches mentor their peers through individual meetings and leadership workshops as well as help their peers apply the 7 frames of the SMU Leadership Framework to their positions.

The Caswell Leadership Coaches work closely with the SMU Student Senate Organization Committee regarding the Organization Chartering process. To get in contact with a Caswell Coach today please fill out the form below.

If you have questions about this opportunity, please feel free to stop by Hughes-Trigg Student Center Suite 201 or email leadership@smu.edu.

Application Timeline

  • Application opens on SMU360: Monday, March 24
  • Application closes on SMU360: Sunday, April 6
  • In-person interviews will be held Monday, April 7 – Wednesday, April 9

Download Application Information
