Nancy Ann Hunt
Nancy Ann Hunt’s work has received numerous leadership and service awards, including the 2006 Robert S. Folsom Leadership Award from Methodist Health System Foundation; the Maura Award from the Dallas Women’s Foundation; the Genesis Women’s Shelter Jane Doe Award; the Parish Episcopal School Honorary Trustee Award; the Kappa Alpha Theta of the Year Award for volunteer work in the community; Founding Trustee of THR Presbyterian Plano; Trustee for Children’s Medical Center; Silver Beaver Award for Boy Scouts of America Council Ten; and the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas Woman of Distinction Award. She also serves on either the Boards of Directors/Trustees or the Executive Boards of New Friends New Life; Circle Ten Council of Boy Scouts of America; C.C. Young Senior Living Center; Shelter Ministries of Dallas (the parent entity of Austin Street Center and Genesis Women’s Shelter); 缅北禁地 Simmons School of Education & Human Development; and the National Conference on Crimes Against Women.
When longtime friend and family minister Reverend Don Benton was asked to describe Nancy Ann Hunt when she received the 2006 Robert S. Folsom Leadership Award from Methodist Health System Foundation, he said the following:
"British critic and social theorist John Ruskin (1819-1900) once sat with a friend in the dusk of an evening and watched a lamplighter, torch in hand, lighting the street lights on a distant hill. Very soon the man’s form was no longer distinguishable in the distance, but everywhere he went he left a light burning brightly. “There,” said Ruskin, “that is what I mean by a real Christian. You can trace his course by the light that he leaves burning."