Program Benefits and FAQ
What are the advantages of being a Rotunda Scholar?
Early Move-In
- Rotunda Scholars have the opportunity to move-in early and attend the exclusive RISE Institute (Readiness, Interdependence, Success, and Excellence). The RISE Institute is a three-day pre-semester program where invited participants begin connecting to one another, valuable campus resources, and key faculty, staff, and alumni.
Peer Support
- Students in the Rotunda Scholars program are assigned different mentors throughout their academic journey, which is an experience unique to our program. These mentors are older students who can provide support throughout personal and academic transition. The mentor assigned is of the same or a similar major, meaning they can provide first-hand knowledge on how to be successful in the courses in which you enroll.
Academic Resources
- Rotunda Scholars also receive specialized academic counseling, have access to reserved study spaces, participate in several workshops throughout the academic year on a myriad of topics, and are invited to exclusive events at SMU and in the Dallas community.
Ongoing Opportunities
- Upon continuous program engagement and completion of on-going requirements, Rotunda Scholars are given exclusive access to a multitude of opportunities such as undergraduate research, campus jobs, internships, engaged learning projects and study abroad experiences, just to name a few. One critical part of the program is retaining Rotunda Scholars to serve as mentors for the next class of scholars. A select few who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills are selected to serve on a leadership board assisting with program innovation and development.
Frequently Asked Questions
A: Students who have shown exceptional academic prowess, leadership, service, and exhibit ideal characteristics of a true SMU Mustang. Additionally, students who are serious about doing well academically, want to be involved on campus, wish to make the most of their college experience, will utilize their peer support network, and plan to be proactive about their future.
A: Rotunda currently serves over 400 undergraduate students ranging in all majors and disciplines.
A: No, given the program is cohort based, eligibility is reserved for incoming first-years.