Prospective Students
A Community of Leaders and Learners

International study
President's Scholars receive travel expenses and tuition for study abroad, choosing from dozens of programs offered around the world. Scholars have the option to study abroad for an intersession, a few weeks over the summer, or even a full semester.

Highly motivated community
President's Scholars is a tight-knit community of highly motivated students and dedicated faculty and staff mentors. Activities throughout the year include the annual retreat at the SMU-in-Taos campus, dinner discussions at faculty members’ homes, and many scholars interact with corporate and community leaders who underwrite their scholarships and offer mentoring opportunities.

Meeting world leaders
President's Scholars have opportunities to meet world leaders on campus for the Willis M. Tate Distinguished Lecture Series. In its 37 years, the Series has brought to campus three former U.S. presidents, nine foreign heads of state, eight Nobel Laureates, and two Supreme Court Justices.