Use of University Facilities by University and Non-University Individuals and Organizations

Policy number: 6.4

Policy section: Facilities Management

Revised Date: January 2, 2019

1. Policy Statement

The land, buildings, and other facilities of 缅北禁地 (“Facilities”) are private property and are to be used to carry out the mission of the University, creating, expanding, and imparting knowledge through teaching, research, and service. Use of University Facilities will be permitted when consistent with the University’s mission and with the University’s status as a tax-exempt, non-profit educational institution. Facilities use must conform to all applicable laws and regulations. The University reserves the right to deny use of its Facilities to any individual or organization.

2. Purpose

It is the University’s policy to make its Facilities available for events and other activities of University and non-University individuals and organizations (each, an “Event”), provided:

  1. The Event is deemed appropriate to the general educational interests and purposes of the University;
  2. The Event is sponsored by a University department or by a recognized faculty, staff, or student organization;
  3. The Event does not interfere with the use of University Facilities by the University community in its curricular and extra-curricular pursuits;
  4. Applicants adhere to the procedures approved for use and scheduling of the Facilities being requested;
  5. Applicants pay a Facilities fee determined in advance as described in Section 5. All operating costs related to the use of the Facilities will be billed to the applicant, as determined by the University, based upon the nature of the Event;
  6. Applicants provide accommodations, other than physical accessibility, for persons with disabilities required under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, or under state or local laws and regulations; and
  7. Applicants maintain and present evidence of insurance of the type and in the amounts required by the University’s Office of Risk Management.

3. Applicability

This policy applies to the use of Facilities for Events by University and non-University individuals and organizations. Credit and non-credit academic classes are not Events.

4. Limitations on Use

The University may deny the use of Facilities for:

  1. Events that may create a health or safety problem for the campus community;
  2. The advocacy of any action that is in violation of law;
  3. Organized fundraising activities, except by special permission of the Vice President for Development and External Affairs and the Vice President for Business and Finance and, for student Events, the Vice President for Student Affairs;
  4. Political activities inconsistent with the University’s status as a non-profit, tax-exempt corporation, including but not limited to organization of political blocs or special interest groups for political action; or
  5. Events that jeopardize the tax-exempt status of the University or the tax-exempt status of its property or bonds.

5. Departmental Administrative Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, and Related Policies

  1. The administration of this policy is the responsibility of the Vice President for Business and Finance, who will establish appropriate fees, general rules of occupancy and safety, terms of payment, and application procedures. The Vice President for Business and Finance will work closely with those responsible for normal University use of Facilities in the establishment of fees and other rules of use by non-University individuals and organizations. For procedures for planning, scheduling, fees and all other related event information, please see /events.
  2. University Policy 1.15, Alcohol. For procedures for the sale and service of alcohol and for more information regarding the process for the approval of alcohol service on property owned or controlled by the University, please see
  3. University Policy 5.16, Events Not Sponsored by SMU
  4. University Policy 9.4, Political Activity, Protests, and Demonstrations, and related procedures
  5. University Policy 9.7, Coordination of Campus Security Needs
  6. University Policy 9.13, Solicitation

Revised: January 2, 2019

Adopted: June 1, 1994

The official University Policy Manual is housed in the Office of the University Secretary. The University Secretary is responsible for maintaining new and updated policies and for maintaining this website. Should the official University Policy Manual conflict with any internal policies, procedures, departmental administrative rules, or guidelines, that may be contained in manuals provided by schools, departments, or divisions within the University, the official University Policy Manual controls.