Use of SMU Logos, Wordmarks and Brand Statements
Policy number: 5.9
Policy section: Development and External Affairs
Revised Date: December 14, 2020
1. Definitions
Definitions of capitalized terms are set forth in Appendix A.
2. Policy Statement
At the direction of the President, the Vice President for Development and External Affairs (“the Vice President”) and the Division of Development and External Affairs (“DEA”) will have authority for, in consultation with the Office of Legal Affairs, determining the design, application and use of 缅北禁地 Logos, Wordmarks and Brand Statements, for all purposes, institutional and commercial.
3. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to coordinate the use of and protect the value of SMU’s Logos, Wordmarks and Brand Statements.
4. Applicability
All faculty, students, staff, volunteers, and contractors are expected to comply with this policy.
5. Licensing
The use of any trademark that identifies, or is associated with, SMU may not be used without the prior written authorization of The Vice President, or his/her designee. Commercial Items or Services bearing the University’s Logos, Wordmarks, or Brand Statements without proper written University authorization will be considered counterfeit and will be treated as a trademark infringement, subject to all available legal remedies, including, but not limited to, seizure of Commercial Items, injunctive relief, and monetary damages.
6. Questions
Questions regarding this policy are to be directed to the Office of the Vice President.
7. Department Administrative Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines
Development and External Affairs will create and maintain the SMU Brand Guidelines and other procedures related to this policy.
Appendix A: Definitions
“Brand Statement” refers to SMU’s current marketing statement or phrase or words used differentiate the University from other institutions and organizations.
“Commercial Items” refers to any items that incorporate SMU Logos, Wordmarks, or Brand Statements and are produced or provided for monetary benefit.
“Commercial Services” refers to any services that incorporate SMU Logos, Wordmarks, or Brand Statements and are provided for monetary benefit.
“Logo” refers to SMU’s logo image of Dallas Hall; the letters “S,” “M,” and “U,” when used together in SMU’s chosen font to indicate the University; and the use of logo and lettering together. “Logo” also refers the University’s athletic image of running mustang (Peruna) and the SMU letters in the Athletic font.
“Wordmark” refers to the combination of the letters “S,” “M,” and “U” in official font, alongside the name of an SMU School, Unit, Program, Department, etc.
Revised: December 14, 2020
Adopted: June 1, 1994