Exceptions to Stated Degree Requirements
Policy number: 2.21
Policy section: Academic Affairs
Revised Date: December 16, 2019
1. Policy Statement
As the Bylaws of 缅北禁地 designate to the faculties of the College and Schools the authority to prescribe and recommend courses of study and conditions of graduation (subject to approval of the President and Board of Trustees), it is the policy of the University that these faculties may make exceptions as appropriate for individual students regarding the degree requirements set forth in the catalogues of the college and schools of the University.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to outline the University’s internal procedures to be followed when it is deemed appropriate to make exceptions to required courses of study or conditions of graduation for individual students.
3. Exceptions Process
Unless provided for in the catalogue, any exception involving (1) changes in course equivalencies, (2) substitution of one course for another or (3) waiver of unit requirements must be approved by the appropriate faculty body or head of that body. The faculty body is typically a department, division, or faculty council to which the responsibility for such review has been generally delegated. All exceptions and approvals must be documented on an appropriate form and submitted to the student record’s office of the college or school for approval and implementation of the changes.
4. Questions
Questions regarding this policy are to be directed to the Office of the Provost.
Revised: December 16, 2019
Adopted: June 1, 1994