Use of University Name
Policy number: 1.5
Policy section: Institutional Affairs
Revised Date: January 2, 2019
1. Policy Statement
It is the policy of the University that the use of the University name for any purpose in any non-University endeavor is strictly prohibited unless approved in writing by an authorized University official.
Individuals or entities who contract with the University for goods or services are not permitted to imply an endorsement by the University of their goods or services by virtue of their contract with the University; provided, however, a third party may use the University name when reporting a transaction to regulatory authorities as required by applicable law.
2. Student Organization Names
- The words “Ãå±±½ûµØ” or the acronym “SMU” may not precede the name of a recognized student organization. A recognized student organization may list its SMU affiliation at the end of the name of the organization, followed by a comma or parentheses, i.e., Chess Club at SMU or Chess Club (SMU).
- A Recognized student organization may not imply that it is acting with the authority or as an agent of Ãå±±½ûµØ.
- An unrecognized or unofficial student organization may not use the words “Ãå±±½ûµØ” or the acronym “SMU” or the University’s trademarks, seal, or indicia for any purpose.
3. Events
Events held in accordance with University Policies 5.15 and 6.4 shall not be named, titled, or marketed in a way that implies the University’s endorsement of the event, unless the event has obtained the expressed permission of the Vice President for Development and External Affairs. This includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:
- “Ãå±±½ûµØ presents”
- “Presented by SMU”
- “Brought to you by SMU”
- “Made possible by SMU”
- “Hosted by SMU”
4. Private Use
- University faculty, staff and students may refer to their status with the University in connection with personal activities, including consulting, provided that any title or position is accurately identified, and provided that such use does not imply University endorsement of any product, project or service.
- University faculty, staff and students may not use the University’s name, trademarks, seal, indicia, or facilities in any print, video, or electronic announcement, advertising or promotional material, publication, correspondence or commercial which could in any fashion be construed as implying University endorsement of any product, project or service.
5. University Letterhead
The use of University letterhead for any purpose other than official University business is strictly prohibited.
6. Related Policies
- University Policy 1.6, Use of University Seal
- University Policy 5.9, Use of SMU Logos, Wordmarks and Brand Statements
- University Policy 5.15, Events Not Sponsored by SMU
- University Policy 6.4, Use of University Facilities by University and Non-University Individuals and Organizations
- University Policy 9.4, Political Activity, Protests, and Demonstrations
Revised: January 2, 2019
Adopted: June 1, 1994