AV Summer Upgrades: Summer 2025

Each year, the Faculty Technology Council reviews and approves a collection of classroom upgrade projects funded by the University Technology Fund. Project requests are submitted by each school in addition to identified major maintenance/fixes based on the age or current state of each room. These are vetted and prioritized to ensure we are providing stability in the classroom technology while also advancing the technology in as many spaces as possible. In addition to the classrooms funded by the University, several schools or departments fund additional upgrades that are critical to their environment. The majority of these projects are conducted during either the summer months or during winter break to minimize impact to teaching. The following information outlines the projects underway with project schedules and a summary of the work in each space.

The projects and schedules outlined are subject to change due to equipment and scheduling availability.

If you have any questions, please email the IT Help Desk at help@smu.edu.

Project Details

School Classroom
 Lyle  Caruth 384  Full upgrade to NEAT classroom
 Lyle  Junkins 101  Major upgrade: Replacing most components for Standard Classroom
 Lyle  Junkins 113  Major upgrade: Replacing most components for Standard Classroom
 Dedman College  Fondren Science 124  Minor upgrade: new projector, new qomo, screesharing device
 Dedman College  Fondren Science 130
 Minor upgrade: new projector, new qomo, screesharing device
 Dedman College  Dedman Life Science 131  Minor Upgrade- Ceiling microphone upgrades
 Perkins  Prothro 205  Adding functionality for support laptop connections  7/7-7/19
 Perkins  Prothro 100  Minor Upgrade: new amplifiers
 Perkins  Prothro 106  Minor Upgrade: new amplifiers
 Cox  CEEC 100  Complete renovation to match technology in new Cox buildings
 Cox  CEEC 120  Complete renovation to match technology in new Cox buildings
 Cox  CEEC 200  Complete renovation to match technology in new Cox buildings
 Cox  CEEC 220  Complete renovation to match technology in new Cox buildings
 Meadows  OFAC1030  Install podium, replace the Epson projector with a Clevertouch, upgrade various components
 Meadows  OFAC1040  Install podium, replace the Epson projector with a Clevertouch, upgrade various components
 Meadows  OFAC1050  Install podium, replace the Epson projector with a Clevertouch, upgrade various components
 Meadows  OFAC2030  Install podium, replace the Epson projector with a Clevertouch, upgrade various components
 Meadows  OFAC2040  Install podium, replace the Epson projector with a Clevertouch, upgrade various components
 Simmons  Annette 218  Replace 3 side displays with Clevertouch devices, minor fixes
 Simmons  Annette 208  Moderate Upgrade: Replace display with Clevertouch
 Simmons  Harold 101A/D  Minor repairs and fixes  TBD