April 06, 2015
Advertising Corporate Communication and Public Affairs SMU's 2015 Big iDeas Business Plan Competition gives students recognition
Music Meadows Music Faculty and Students Receive Awards at National Competitions
April 03, 2015
Music Event is most successful in its 22-year history, raising over $1 million for Meadows Scholars Program
April 01, 2015
Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship Free event offers panel discussions, networking opportunities, and information on Dallas-area groups developing solutions to social problems
April 01, 2015
Alumni Theatre Jeff Colangelo's upcoming production, Prism, is back for round two, and there's plenty of paint for the audience
March 25, 2015
Alumni Advertising Art Art History Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship Corporate Communication and Public Affairs Creative Computation Dance Film & Media Arts Journalism Music Theatre The gift, the largest in The Meadows Foundation’s history, includes $25 million to support goals and programs at the Meadows Museum
March 23, 2015
Art Pollock Gallery Curatorial Fellow Danielle Avram Morgan talks with artist and 2010 Meadows M.F.A. alumna Kristen Cochran about her exhibit, soak stain bleed bloom, and the fluid nature of her art
March 21, 2015
Music Event to honor arts and civic leader Caren Prothro
March 20, 2015
Dance Two world premieres and the revival of an acclaimed work coming to SMU's Bob Hope TheatreÂ
March 17, 2015
Theatre Darren Diggle takes team approach to building worlds on stage
March 16, 2015
Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship Scholarship Supports Graduate Students Pursuing Careers in Arts Management
February 20, 2015
Music Concert will include world premiere of Wang’s "Tibet Fantasia"
February 19, 2015
Music Event is community partnership between Dallas Chamber Symphony and Meadows School and includes public master classes by music faculty
February 19, 2015
Chang will discuss his new book, "Who We Be: The Colorization of America"
February 19, 2015
Music Faculty artist Lucille Chung will perform Dobson’s Piano Concerto No. 1
February 19, 2015
Theatre Theatre’s new mainstage production, "The Sparrow," flies to the Garson next week
February 18, 2015
Art Online publication “Coronagraph” to feature interviews between art thinkers, including SMU Meadows art leaders
February 17, 2015
Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship Dance Music The future of Dallas: Meadows representatives to contribute performances, serve as panelists at inaugural conference
February 14, 2015
Music Application deadline is February 20, 2015 for Peak Fellowship Ensemble-in-Residence
February 12, 2015
Music Associate Professor Pamela Elrod Huffman is part of the professional choir Conspirare, which won a Grammy yesterday for Best Choral Performance
February 09, 2015
Members of the Dallas-area guitar community welcome to attend
February 06, 2015
Corporate Communication and Public Affairs Journalism Stellar roster of U.S. media leaders and scholars to examine how the evolving digital age affects the presidency
February 06, 2015
Music Concert in Caruth Auditorium will feature music of Kurt Weill, Monteverdi and others
February 06, 2015
Complex Movements and Lear deBessonet Will Each Receive $25,000 and Artistic Residency at Meadows School
February 05, 2015
Art Avram Morgan to manage exhibitions of works by students and established artists
February 04, 2015
Art Opening Reception on Sat., Jan. 31 from 6-8 p.m.
January 28, 2015
Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship Data-driven Assessment Ranks Cities by Arts and Cultural Assets
January 22, 2015
First concert by Meadows Wind Ensemble at Dallas City Performance Hall, Jan. 30
January 13, 2015
Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship Music Allison Beck loves music, the arts and business. The music major and double-minor in arts management and arts entrepreneurship talks about how Meadows faculty and curriculum are helping her prepare for a career in the arts.
January 12, 2015
Public invited to opening reception Jan. 21, 4-6 p.m.
January 08, 2015
Alumni Dance Music Theatre Area arts writers praise innovative works by alums and undergrads
January 06, 2015
Music Holland recognized for authorship, leadership, pedagogy
January 05, 2015
Art Art and Social Practice class helps Vickery Meadow express experiences of immigration, isolation and the unexpected arrival of America’s first case of Ebola.
December 16, 2014
Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship Report Measures Industry Health by Sector, Organizational Size, and Geographic Location and Examines What Drives Performance
December 04, 2014
Events Theatre Take the edge off of finals week with these SMUST-see shows
December 03, 2014
Corporate Communication and Public Affairs
December 01, 2014
Art Ransom, Tran works to be transmitted into deep space in 2015
November 25, 2014
Music International musician donates instrument in honor of his SMU teacher, the late Dr. Robert T. Anderson
November 21, 2014
Samuel S. Holland, internationally renowned music educator, named dean of Meadows School of the Arts
November 12, 2014
Art Brian Molanphy’s "pousse" series explores perception of materials, line at Eastfield College Galleries, November 14 – December 19, 2014
November 11, 2014
Events Art Opening Reception on Nov. 21 from 6-8 p.m.; Artists’ Gallery Talk on Nov. 22 at 1 p.m.
November 10, 2014
Theatre studies B.F.A. Wrenn Schmidt visited SMU to talk with theatre students on how Meadows prepped her for her career
November 10, 2014
Choreographer of "Cigarettes" and "To the Fore" talks career transitions and inspirations
November 07, 2014
Music Engels will perform a program of classic French works spanning the centuries
November 05, 2014
Dance The full Q&A with Alexander Sanchez, choreographer of Dancin’ Man
November 05, 2014
Plans to sample “Moody Magic”
November 05, 2014
Corporate Communication and Public Affairs SMU Debate Team wins “Top Speaker” in novice division and third place overall at Edmond, Okla. tourney
November 03, 2014
Art History Controversial Victorian-era artist subject of study by Dr. Alessandra Comini, University Distinguished Professor Emerita of Art History; New York Times calls the show “gripping”
October 30, 2014
Arts Management and Arts Entrepreneurship Alumna Robin Rose draws on networking, budgeting skills learned in M.A./M.B.A. program for her career
October 29, 2014
Alumni Art Associate Professor of Photography Debora Hunter and painter Jane Starks (M.F.A. Art '99) showcase the landscapes of Texas and New Mexico in new exhibition
October 28, 2014
A memorial service for Tomlanovich will be held Nov. 22 at 4:30 p.m. at the St. James Episcopal Church
October 27, 2014
Alumni Music Conducting ensembles and the Meadows Symphony while at SMU provided valuable experience
October 23, 2014
Theatre Photographer Kim Leeson went behind the scenes to capture the show
October 23, 2014
Faculty Music Meadows voice professor donates talent, time to help build concert choir at high school in South Dallas
October 21, 2014
Dance Two world premieres, including an homage to Bob Fosse, among the four innovative contemporary works featured at the concert
October 15, 2014
Dance Classic work re-imagined by noted Dutch choreographer Joost Vrouenraets debuted in 2013 at SMU to critical acclaim
October 15, 2014
Faculty Art Certain Named Parts presents atmospheric black and white photogravures
October 07, 2014
Theatre Photographer Kim Leeson went behind the scenes on Meadows Theatre's first main stage show
October 07, 2014
Students Dance SMU Meadows to live stream the Brown Bag performance on Wednesday, October 8 at 12:00 pm
October 06, 2014
Staff Corporate Communication and Public Affairs After a three-year hiatus, team re-launches and wins top awards in both informative and extemporaneous speaking, taking third place overall
October 04, 2014
Art Film and exhibit by Sarah Morris will cover the events of the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich
October 03, 2014
Art Public Project Results From Bruguera’s 2013 Meadows Prize Residency Work Co-Commissioned with Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Santa Monica Museum of Art
October 02, 2014
Faculty Music New Chair Funded by $2 Million Gift from Sarah and Ross Perot, Jr.
September 29, 2014
ValentĂn is one of 50 international arts leaders selected for 2014-15 class of The Chief Executive Program: Community and Culture
September 24, 2014
Students Music Combining her lifelong love of music and activism, M.M. student Ellen Seldin creates musical scores for documentaries about urgent matters: gendercide, kids at risk, wildlife conservation and more
September 22, 2014
Alumni Theatre Chicago’s House Theatre founders visit with students about their lives before and after SMU Meadows
September 11, 2014
Ramirez to give the fifteenth annual Rosine Smith Sammons Lecture in Media Ethics at SMU at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 2
September 10, 2014
"Uptown’s Pike Park: Little Jerusalem to Little Mexico, 100 Years of Settlement" explores the Dallas immigrant experience
August 26, 2014
Faculty Corporate Communication and Public Affairs Sandra Duhé to join association of public relations CEOs, communications officers and leading academics
August 25, 2014
Events Music First of three concerts in SMU Meadows School Faculty Artist and Distinguished Alumni Recital Series devoted to complete collection of Beethoven sonatas for violin and piano
August 21, 2014