SMU's Pollock Gallery to Present "soak stain bleed bloom," Works by Kristen Cochran, January 31 - March 21, 2015

Opening Reception on Sat., Jan. 31 from 6-8 p.m.

The Pollock Gallery of the Division of Art at SMU’s Meadows School of the Arts will present the exhibition soak stain bleed bloom from January 31 through March 21, 2015.

This exhibition by Meadows School alumna Kristen Cochran (M.F.A. ’10) features a series of lush mixed media drawings on paper and a site-specific soft sculptural intervention. The installation includes physical traces of a fluid studio process, and Cochran considers its symbolic implications. For instance, actions such as soaking, staining, bleeding and blooming were a part of the process that produced the art objects included in the exhibition, but these actions also imply bodies, objects or architecture in a state of abjection.

“Kristen has been producing some really powerful work since she graduated from SMU. She has this amazing ability to push a material and a site to its limits to reveal strange and wondrous visual qualities,” said Noah Simblist, chair of the Meadows Division of Art. “She has also been incredibly active, showing both locally and nationally. After a studio visit this summer I saw a great opportunity to showcase one of our outstanding alumni.”

The opening reception of soak stain bleed bloom will be held Saturday, January 31 from 6-8 p.m. with the artist in attendance.

The Pollock Gallery is located on the first floor of the Hughes-Trigg Student Center, 3140 Dyer St. on the 缅北禁地 campus in Dallas. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and 1-5 p.m. Saturday. Admission is free. For more information, call 214-768-4439 or visit here.

About the Artist:

From the Pacific Northwest, Kristen Cochran moved to Texas to complete her M.F.A. at the Meadows School of the Arts at 缅北禁地 in 2010. She has exhibited her work in Texas, Arizona, the Pacific Northwest and New York and has works in private collections in Italy and London. In Texas, Cochran has exhibited at the Dallas Contemporary art museum, Talley Dunn Gallery, Blue Star Contemporary, Central Trak, Oliver Francis Gallery, Barry Whistler Gallery, Eastfield College, the University of Texas at Dallas and WAAS Gallery and has participated in the 2011 and 2013 Texas Biennials in Austin and San Antonio. She has been awarded residencies in Long Island City, N.Y., and Mittersill, Austria, and more recently received a Jentel residency in Wyoming. Cochran presently teaches drawing and sculpture at the University of Texas at Dallas and has taught at SMU, the Nasher Sculpture Center and the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth.