Behind the Scenes Photos from SMU Meadows Opera’s La Finta Giardiniera (The Pretend Garden Girl)
Photographer Kim Leeson captures the 2014 Meadows Opera production
La Finta Giardiniera (The Pretend Garden Girl) by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ran at the Bob Hope Theatre in the Owen Arts Center Thursday, February 6 through Sunday, February 9, 2014.
The comedy, directed by Director of Opera, Senior Lecturer and Chair of the Ensemble Department Hank Hammett and conducted by Professor of Music and Orchestral Activities Paul Phillips, follows Count Belifore and the Marchioness Violante Onesti—who were in love before a wee bit of trouble with a knife. It’s an exuberant, darkly comic story of loyalty, friendship and forgiveness. Mozart wrote the opera at the age of 18.
See more behind-the-scenes photos and the set design process