Student wearing an SMU Lyle Engineering sweatshirt smiling and holding up a metal manufacturing part.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Lyle SURF offers students hands-on research experience with faculty, ideal for those pursuing graduate school or engineering careers.

Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship

What is Lyle SURF?

The Lyle Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program, or Lyle SURF, exposes students to cutting-edge scientific research conducted by Lyle and SMU faculty. This opportunity is most valuable to students who wish to participate in research with faculty with the intent to apply to graduate school or who are curious about engineering research relevant to technological advancement.

The program will take place over 8 weeks in the summer starting on June 2nd and concluding on July 25th. Students will work for 20 hours a week with a faculty member to help conduct current and ongoing Lyle research, will receive a weekly stipend for their work and participate in professional development and career workshops.

Once the 8 weeks have concluded, students will present their work and findings in a conference styled presentation with Q&A that will be open to the public during Family Weekend – Date TBD.


Summer 2025 Program Dates


 Friday, March 14

Priority Application Deadline

 Friday, April 4

Final Application Deadline

 June 2–July 25

2025 Summer Program Dates 


Who Can Apply?

Lyle Engineering and Computer Science students, and members of the Grand Challenge Scholars Program.

Student Benefits

Funding: $3500 stipend for 8-week fellowship, 20 hours a week
Leadership Development: Weekly leadership seminars taught by research faculty and leaders in industry
Research Experience: Exposure to cutting-edge scientific research

How do I Apply?

Secure a faulty advisor to support your research, complete all application paperwork, and submit your application by the program deadline.
Priority application deadline is Friday March 14th, applications will not be accepted after Friday, April 4th.
For students who wish to apply to the program, please note, that you must have a Lyle faculty member agree to work with you prior to applying to the program. If you need assistance in connecting with a faculty member for this program, feel free to contact Assistant Dean Kathy Hubbard. She will be able to assist you in making introductions to faculty who are researching topics that you are interested in.