Academic Policies Committee
2024-5 Committees and Charges of the Faculty Senate
Standing charges:
The Academic Policies Committee represents the General Faculty in all academic matters. Its purview shall include but not be limited to monitoring the general curriculum, interdisciplinary academic programs, university libraries, and the activities of non-School academic institutes and programs, as well as establishing the academic calendar of the University.
The Committee shall review standing policy regarding academic affairs and proposed changes in those policies. The Committee shall identify inadequacies in policy and propose revisions to the Faculty Senate.
The Committee shall monitor the general education curriculum and interdisciplinary programs in coordination with the appropriate curricular councils.
The Committee shall be responsible for the subcommittees named below, as well as others that may be assigned to it by the Senate. The chairs of these subcommittees shall be members of the committee but other subcommittee members need not be.
- Subcommittee on Admissions and Financial Aid
- Subcommittee on Libraries
- Subcommittee on the Academic Calendar of the University.
The Committee shall make an annual report to the Senate in writing.
Additional Charges for AY 2024/5:
- Review and make recommendation regarding the policy on Post-Matriculation transfer of credit from international institutions, assessing the validity and quality of some regions or institutions of concern.
- Consulting with Associate Provost Sheri Kunovich, assess transfer rates and suggest possible improvements.
- Examine the impact of General Education requirements on the ability to complete double majors in four years, with recommendations for improvement (see policies in consultancy with Associate Provost Dayna Osercherwitz)
- Monitor impact as we enter the first year of competing in the 缅北禁地.