Alberto Pastor
Associate Professor of Spanish
World Languages and Literatures, Spanish
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Clements 424 |
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214-768-1414 |
Ph.D., Universidad Aut贸noma de MadridAlberto Pastor is an associate professor of Spanish and General Linguistics at 缅北禁地. His research interests are twofold: Spanish syntax and Spanish sociolinguistics. His studies on Spanish syntax focus on the syntax-semantics interface, specifically gradability in the adjectival and nominal domains. Additionally, he explores issues related to Spanish in the United States such as language contact phenomena, language maintenance/loss, language ideologies and attitudes, linguistic landscapes, and heritage language pedagogy. His publications appear in peer-reviewed journals including Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Probus, and Bilingual Research Journal. He is currently Guest Editor of the journal Languages Special Issue on Spanish in the US: a Sociolinguistic Approach, and Associate Editor of The International Journal of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (IJLASSO).
Selected Publications
In press. (Non)-pied-piping adjectival wh-comparatives in Spanish. In Howe, Chad et al. (Eds.). Theory, Data, and Practice: Selected papers of the 49th Linguistic Symposium of Romance Languages. Berlin: Language Science Press. (With Luis Eguren).
2023. Complexifying internal linguistic discrimination: bilingual Latinx teachers navigating Spanish language ideologies in bilingual programs, Language and Education, DOI: 10.1080/09500782.2023.217710. (With Diego Roman & Katherine Ward).
2021. Revision of Chapter 13. El adjetivo y el grupo adjetival. In the second edition of La Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española, Real Academia Española.
2021. Ethnolinguistic Vitality and Linguistic Landscape. The status of Spanish in Dallas, Texas. In Gubitosi, Patricia & Michelle Ramos-Pellicia (Eds.). Linguistic Landscape in the Spanish-speaking World. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics series 35). 73-104.
2021. The basic inflectional structure of adjectives: degree and agreement. In Fábregas, Antonio et al. (Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Morphology. New York: Routledge Publishing Co. 152-162.
2020. Pied-piping in degree wh-clauses in Spanish. In Diego Pascual y Cabo & Idoia Elola (Eds.). Current Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 109-132. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (With Luis Eguren).
2020. Co-editor of Cuadernos De Lingüística Hispánica (36) Special issue on: El español en los Estados Unidos y el español en contacto con otras lenguas. Selected papers from the 27th Conference on Spanish in the US and 12th Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages. (With Antonio Medina-Rivera).
2019. Internal Linguistic Discrimination: A Survey of Bilingual Teachers’ Language Attitudes Towards Their Heritage Students’ Spanish. Bilingual Research Journal, 42:1, 6-30.(With Diego Román & Deni Basaraba).
2016. Una “buena” manera de hablar de grados: Bien con adjetivos en español. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 9:2. 401-427. (With Grant Armstrong).
2016. Adjetivo. In Gutiérrez Rexach, Javier (Ed.). Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica, New York: Routledge Publishing Co. 369-379.
2015. Measure Phrases within the Nominal Domain in Spanish. In Smith, John & Tabea Ihsane (Eds.). Romance Language and Linguistic Theory 16: Selected Papers of the 42nd Linguistic Symposium of Romance Languages. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 289-301. (With Luis Eguren).
2014. Measure Phrases with Bare Adjectives in Spanish. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 32:1, 459-497. (With Luis Eguren).
2011. Degree modifiers, Definiteness, and Specificity. In Ortiz, L. (Ed), Selected Papers from the 13th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Somerville: Cascadilla Press. 325-336.
2011. Predicative Degree Constructions in Spanish, Probus 22.1, 27-71.
2011. Sobre las interferencias entre el grado, la (in)definitud y la (in)especificidad. Revista Española de Lingüística 41.2. 117-145.
2011. Relaciones predicativas en el interior de construcciones de grado adjetivas. In Cortázar, A. & Orozco, R. (Eds.). Lenguaje, arte y revoluciones ayer y hoy New Approaches to Hispanic Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Studies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 267-290.
2008. Split Analysis of Gradable Adjectives in Spanish, Probus 20.2, 257-299.
2008. Sobre las construcciones consecutivas con adjetivos, Hispania 91.3, 676-689.