H. Troy Stuckey
Adjunct Faculty Research Professor
Ph.D., University North TexasRelated Links
Spring 2021 Class Project: Geology 3363/6363 Environmental Geology -- Air Quality
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Common Face Masks [PDF]
Selected Publications
Stuckey, H. Troy, "EPA Medicine: Transferring Environmental Science to Hospitals and Medical Schools,"
Environmental Protection, Vol. 14, No. 7 (September 2003): 61-63.
Stuckey, H. Troy, and Melanie Sattler, "Air Quality in the 21st Century: Community Outreach in North Central
Texas," Environment International, Vol. 29, Issues 2-3 (June 2003) 341-346.
Stuckey, H. Troy, "Waste Investment: Capitalizing on Forgotten Resources Found in Municipal Nonhazardous
Waste," Environmental Protection, Vol. 13, No. 3 (March 2002): 60-64, 71.
Sattler, Melanie, and H. Troy Stuckey, "Planning for Air Quality Compliance in Texas: A Case Study in Local
SIP Development," in Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association 94th Annual Meeting and
Exhibition, Orlando, Florida, June 24-28, 2001, Air and Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania; Abstract 12-EP-5a.
Sattler, Melanie, and H. Troy Stuckey, "Dallas/Ft. Worth SIP Development: A Case Study in Local Involvement,
"EM, (April 2001) 26-30.
Stuckey, H. Troy, and Paul F. Hudak, "Effects of Compost on Loblolly Pine Tree Growth in Northeast Texas,
"Compost Science and Utilization, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Winter 2001) 65-72.
Stuckey, H. Troy, and Melanie Sattler, "Air Quality Community Outreach 2000: The North Central Texas
Experience," Poster. 2001 International Conference on Future Directions in Air Quality Research: Ecological,
Atmospheric, Regulatory/Policy and Educational Issues, North Carolina State University, Research Triangle
Park, Raleigh, North Carolina, February 12-15, 2001.
Stuckey, H. Troy, "The Benefits & Problems Associated with MTBE," Environmental Protection,
Vol. 11, No. 7 (July 2000): 49-52.
Stuckey, H. Troy, Paul F. Hudak, and F. Andrew Schoolmaster, "Landscape Waste Management:Programs and Strategies," MSW Management: The Journal for Municipal Solid Waste Professionals, (May/June 2000): 54-60.
Stuckey, H. Troy, and Paul F. Hudak, "Methods to Enhance Compost Practices as an Alternative to Waste
Disposal," in Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association 91st Annual Meeting and Exhibition in
San Diego, California, Air and Waste Management Association: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 14-19, 1998;