Threat Management

The 缅北禁地 Police Department (SMU PD) is prepared for a wide variety of public safety emergencies that might affect the campus community, but would rather prevent crisis if possible.

This goal poses several challenges. In some cases, there are law enforcement options available to resolve potential threats before they occur, but many situations involving behavioral concerns do not include criminal acts and so the ability for police to influence the situation is limited. It is also difficult for one person or agency to consistently gather and assess all the information that might be needed to determine if a threat exists.

To better achieve this purpose SMU PD has forged strong partnerships with campus and community resources, along with partnerships with local and federal agencies. And together we proactively address reports of concerning behavior and other signs of potential threats to the University, utilizing a variety of options that might be available and appropriate

Reporting Behavior of Concern

Any act or imminent threat of significant physical violence within or against the campus community should be reported immediately to the police as an emergency situation. Other situations presenting a potential threat of significant physical violence within or against the University community should be reported to SMU PD without unnecessary delay.

For emergencies on campus, call (214) 768-3333, for non-emergencies (214) 768-3388 SMU PD is located at Patterson Hall 2128 Dyer St.

SMU PD Threat Response Team (TRT)

SMU PD Threat Response Team (TMT) consists of Investigators (sworn peace officers) who are assigned to assess, investigate and manage the response to potential threats.

TRT investigators routinely addresses a wide variety of situations, including but not limited to those involving concerns about the behavior and mental health of students and employees, workplace conflict, hateful speech, stalking, relationship violence, sexual violence and disruptive or threatening conduct by persons unaffiliated with the University.

Threat Management Presentations

To help educate the campus community on issues related to threat assessment and management, Investigators are available to provide presentations on a current situation or event that might affect the campus community.

Behavioral Risk / Response Team

SMU PD facilitates the Campus Threat Management Working Group (TMWG), a group of key campus officials with the shared mission of enabling a coordinated, multi-disciplinary assessment and response to known credible risks of significant physical violence within or against the University community.

When SMU PD becomes aware of such a threat and assesses it as posing a high risk, the TMWG is convened to review the situation and prepare a response plan. A variety of response options may be available depending on the specific situation. TMWG engages the assistance of other University and community resources, representatives and experts as needed to help try to mitigate the concern.

Contacts for Threat Response Team

Lieutenant Keith McCain

(214) 768-1868


Senior Threat Assessment Investigator

Investigator Malcolm McGuire

(214) 768-6036


Threat Assessment Investigator

Investigator Tyler Cornelius

(214) 768-6115