Request for Public Inspection Documents

To request copies of the University's Form 990 or 990-T, please submit a written request to:

Ann Copeland, Senior Tax Accountant
Phone: (214) 768-2190
Fax: (214) 768-1718

All requests for copies of Form 990 and 990-T are reviewed and processed by the Tax Compliance Department of 缅北禁地. Upon receiving a written request, the University provides a copy of the requested documentation within 30 days from the date of receipt. If the request is made in person, the University provides the copies on the day of the request, unless unusual circumstances prevent this in which case the requested documentation are provided within five days after the date of the request.

The information subject to public inspection is limited to:

1. Form 990, without donor information

2. Form 990-T, schedules, attachments, and supporting documents that are specifically related to the imposition of unrelated business taxable income (UBTI). Other ancillary forms and attachments that do not relate to UBTI will not be made available for public inspection.

There may be a reasonable copying fee and delivery costs depending on the requested information.