Parking Fines
For the most up to date information on current parking fines, please visit the Office of the University Bursar's Additional Charges site.
We all want to avoid getting a citation, but if you get one, this section will help with appealing or paying for them, and what to do if you receive multiple citations within an academic year.
Here are the top three things you can do to avoid getting a citation while on the SMU campus.
Only park in a space indicated by the type of permit or the permit decal issued. If you are visiting the campus, please park in the indicated Visitor Lots (and pay to park where necessary).
Parking is controlled by signage. Because there is more than one type of parking space in a lot, it is necessary to note the signage in the area. In each lot, there can be many different signs restricting parking throughout the entire day, including reserved until 5:00 p.m., 24-hour reserved parking and handicapped spaces.
Parking anywhere on the SMU campus from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Friday 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. requires a registered vehicle and permit or a valid permit decal.
For the most up to date information on current parking fines, please visit the Office of the University Bursar's Additional Charges site.
In some instances, violators of the City of University will be issued Fire, Parking, or Building Ordinance citations. These cases are filed and must be resolved at the University Park Municipal Court.
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