Perkins Celebrates 2018 Graduates and Award Recipients

Seventy-five graduates of the Perkins School of Theology Class of 2018 were honored during the Celebration of Degrees and Academic Achievements on Saturday, May 19, 2018. The ceremony, which took place at Highland Park United Methodist Church, also included the awarding of honors for academic excellence.

DALLAS (SMU) – Seventy-five graduates of the Perkins School of Theology Class of 2018 were honored during the Celebration of Degrees and Academic Achievements on Saturday, May 19, 2018. The ceremony, which took place at Highland Park United Methodist Church, also included the awarding of honors for academic excellence.

Watch the 2018 Celebration of Degrees and Academic Achievements:

Dean Craig C. Hill welcomed attendees and presented the degrees and awards to graduates. , a Perkins alumna (M.Div. ’99) and episcopal leader of the Louisiana Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, was the featured preacher. View the award recipients here. More commencement-related activities were held throughout the weekend. Learn more.

2018 Award names and winners

The Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Bray Award in Hebrew
No selection this year, per Roy Heller and Sze-kar Wan.

The Charles C. Selecman Award in New Testament Greek
No selection this year, per Sze-kar Wan.

The Charley T. and Jesse James Bible Awards (Ranked)

  1. Mark Grafenreed
  2. Jennifer Jordan
  3. Melinda Thompson

The W.B.J. Martin Award in Homiletics
Ross Furio

The W. B. DeJernett Award in Homiletics
Melinda Thompson

The Paul W. Quillian Award in Homiletics
Mara Morhouse

The William K. McElvaney Preaching Award
Christian Watkins

The Robert Weatherford Prize for Internship Preaching
Paige Hanks
Payton Parker

The Bert Affleck Award
Jennifer Jordan

The Jerry W. Hobbs Award in Worship
Etta Anderson

The Fellowship Seminarian Award
No selection this year, per Chris Anderson.

The Jane Marshall Award for Outstanding Scholarship and Leadership in Christian Worship
Donté Ford

The Hoyt Hickman Award for Outstanding Liturgical Scholarship and Practice
Cheryl Scramuzza

The Master of Sacred Music Award
No selection this year, per Chris Anderson.

The Roger Deschner Prize in Sacred Music
Hannah Cruse

The Albert C. Outler Award in Theology
Denise DuPont

The Phillip Schaff Prize in Church History
Angela Jones

The Karis Stahl Fadely Award
Kerry Kirtley
Alissa Lindsey

The B'nai B'rith Award in Social Ethics
Sandy Heard

The Harry Hosier Spirit Award
Robin Murray

The Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Flinn Senior Award
Mark Grafenreed


Photo Highlights from the May 19 Event

Photo credits: Hillsman S. Jackson, Ãå±±½ûµØ