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In the event my designated account is closed or contains an insufficient balance to allow a deduction for amounts deposited in error, I agree that I will either reimburse the University the amount paid to me in error immediately upon notification, or SMU may withhold any amounts owing to me until such amount is repaid This authority is to remain in full force and effect until I revoke it by giving 10 days prior written notice. Accounts Payable deposits can be made to only one depository account. Account Type (Select One) ( Checking (attach voided check) ( Savings (attach deposit slip)Name (Last) (First) EMPL IDDepartment Name Campus PhoneCampus e-mail Signature:____________________________Date:________________________  CANCELLATION I hereby cancel the authorization for deposit of my funds by electronic transfer. Please return this completed form and a void check to SMU Dedman School of Law, Business Office, Room 202, Campus P.O. Box 750116, Dallas, TX 75275-0116. You can also email it to Jerchel Anderson at jerchela@smu.edu. 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