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Warning Text %gWarning Text 2>Warning Text 2 XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16` e InstructionskkOEnter the alphanumeric number payment confirmation number assigned by the bank.Transmittal #:(30) Enter the wire transmittal date.Transmittal Date:(29)HWire transfer approver's name and signature releasing the wire transfer.Transmitted by Fin Acct:(28)-Wire transfer initiator's name and signature.Initiated by Fin Acct:(27)9Other Signing authorities within the Controller's office. Approved by Controller's office:(26) +(To be completed by Cash Management Office)For Cash Management Use Only:=Other Signing authorities within the business unit or school. Approved By :(25)bEnter the person's name who has primary responsibility for control of the activity within the Org. Authorized By Financial Officer:(24)>Enter the person's name requesting the wire transfer of funds. Requestor:(23)>7 digit project number, starting with a "G", to pass the edit.,[Enter the 7 digit alphanumeric project number. Payment charging Org #s 5XXXXX require theOXProject:(22)!subclass number to pass the edit.]Enter the 5 digit subclass number. Account numbers 1280,13XX, 14XX-148X require this 5 digit Subclass:(21)1Enter the 6 digit organization number to charged.Org #:(20)AEnter the 2 digit fund number designating the fund to be charged.Fund:(19)/Enter the 4 digit account number to be charged.Account:(18)UAccount , Fund , Org, Subclass and Project as applicable---wire fees will be charged Wire fees Charged to:(17)KEnter the amount of the wire transfer in foreign currency, when applicable.Foreign Currency:(16)/Enter the amount of the wire transfer in US $ .( Wire Amount:(15)MNote: Failure to do so may cause a delay in processing the transfer of funds.pPlease attach the payment request form and original documentation to support the payment (invoice, bills, etc.).  *Original Documentation:(14)Purpose for the expenditurePurpose of the Wire(13)^Enter the additional wire instructions, invoice number, etc. that referenced the wire payment.Additional Wire Instructions:(12) ;Enter the beneficiary's bank account number to be credited.Beneficiary's Account Number(11) 'Enter the complete beneficiary address.Beneficiary's Address:(10)9Enter the beneficiary's bank account name to be credited./Beneficiary / Payee Name or Account description(9)DIdentifies the bank and the IBAN identifies the account with a bank.Taddress is also known as BIC (Bank Identifier Code). In Short the SWIFT or BIC CODE !2[alphanumeric character long international standard uniquely identifing the bank. The SWIFT ( For International Transfer)]The SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) address is an 8 or 11 !FSwift code/BIC Code:(8)^Enter the complete bank address (Street number and name, City, State or Country and zip code).Complete Bank Address:(7){the specific bank (electronic bank address) and is used for routing payments through the Federal reserve system to US BanksdEnter the bank 9 digit numeric ABA (American Banker's Association) or routing number that identifies$"ABank ABA or Routing or IBAN #:(6)2Enter the complete name of the beneficiary's bank. Bank Name:(5)>SMU Phone extention processor can call if there is a question.Phone #(4)>Enter the department or school's name requesting the transfer. Department:(3)"Date the funds should be released.Transmittal Request Date:(2)!Enter the request date: MM/DD/YY. Request Date:(1) (To be completed by Department): INSTRUCTIONS DATA ITEMDepartmental requests for electronic fund transfers must be made on the University's Wire Transfer request form, with required documentation including payment request, original invoice or other appropriate support. The request must include complete wiring instructions, including the bank ABA number and the beneficiary's account number. FOR FOREIGN VENDOR ONLY: SWIFT or BIC CODES, IBAN or account number. Normally, the complete wiring instructions are printed on the vendor's invoice to be paid. If not, the vendor must submit the complete wiring instructions on their company's letterhead signed by the authorized signer. For an individual vendor (e.g. self proprietor, contractor, etc.), the wiring instruction letter should be signed by the same individual. The wire transfer form must be approved by authorized department individual(s) and forwarded to Accounts Payable for processing. The wire requests of $1,000 or greater must also be approved by two accounting managers, from the Controller's Division, other than the individual making the wire transfer. Electronic payments made will be added to the University's Accounts Payable system to further document the disbursement of University funds. 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